Whats Your Random Secret?

Do you have a random secret that nobody knows about you… I definitely do…Would you like to know??? Well here it is….So random secret about me…
I have always wanted to be a nomad. I never wanted to have a fixed address. After
college, I wanted to move from place to place and explore the world but I had my first daughter when I was 20 and believed that my nomadic dreams were over. My priorities changed as I knew I needed to get a job. I also didn’t believe that it would be wise to move my daughter from place to place without being somewhat established, so USA is my home for now.
Now fast forward to right now, I am married in my 30s, with two children, and I am
working in a career that I am not happy with, so the quarantine motivated me to make changes.
Not only did coronavirus cause shutdowns and made everything turn virtual, it motivated and
created a spark in me. I have decided to use my money on building my travel brand so I can
eventually become a temporary nomad with my family.
I put my nomadic dreams on pause for a bit but to temporarily cure my travel bug itch, I
travel frequently even during this quarantine. I am also a travel agent and content creator.
With the many changes I have committed to making and started making, I believe 2021 will bring about a lot of change and blessings for me and my family. I am manifesting nothing but
positive energy and I am praying that with all my efforts and strides, I will fulfill my nomadic
dream sooner than later.